Palaeolithic Emotions

The answer is P F Strawson.

When I was watching the video by Bob Doyle that inspired me to write No Escape from Moral Responsibility, Bob made an offhand remark about Galen Strawson that made me question how Bob couldn’t make a connection. In fact, that would make two because the trigger for my having penned the post in the first place is his comment about not understanding how probability in a system wouldn’t necessarily lead to zero degrees of agential freedom. After noting that Strawson, the younger, was an Impossibilist, he flippantly remarked that although Strawson, as the strictest species of Determinists, he and his ilk would be put off if someone knocked their coffee over.

Bob had already mentioned P F Strawson’s position that whether or not the universe was deterministic or indeterministic, people would still have an emotional response and seek a target—likely the animate entity nearest the cup. It may have been a cat or a gust of wind, but if there is a person nearby, blame will be cast.

People don’t even need a target. They’ll look for structural defects in the cup; perhaps the table is not level; why didn’t they leave more space between the tables? If I hadn’t had to stop for petrol, I’d have gotten another seat? Or if I had stopped for petrol, I wouldn’t have been in the vicinity. Humans are imbued with all sorts of magical thinking. I’d almost be willing to bet that this thing overruns the logical sort.

E O Wilson Quote

As E O Wilson once said.

We’ve got Paleolithic emotions…

E O Wilson

His context was different, but the point remains. Humans should be reclassified from Homo sapiens sapiens to Homo pathos sapiens.

This post has been in draft for a month or so. When I was looking for a cover image, I came across a post by SoundEagle on the topic of Palaeolithic Emotions. I opted to not appropriate the attendant art. Check it out of you are interested in what I didn’t purloin.

2 thoughts on “Palaeolithic Emotions

  1. Dear Bry Willis,

    Hello! I have just subscribed to your YouTube channel.

    Thank you for mentioning my post entitled “We have Paleolithic Emotions; Medieval Institutions; and God-like Technology with Nuclear Holocaust“. The title bears the good turn of phrase, which is actually a mnemonic tricolon (pithily juxtaposing three disparate domains) that sums up the Achilles’ heel of humanity.

    Here is one of the ten illustrations:

    This illustration has a resolution of 4038 by 2539 pixels and is titled “We have Paleolithic Emotions; Medieval Institutions; and God-like Technology with Nuclear Holocaust“.

    For your interest, my said post has been published under the following categories: Animation, Art, Behavioural Science, Biography, Cognitive Science, Ecology, Environmental Science, Environmentalism, Evolutionary Biology, Evolutionary Psychology, Facing the Noise & Music, Gallery, Graphics, History, Human Nature, Nature, Philosophy, Profile, Psychology, Quotes, Science, Social Science, SoundEagle, Video.

    I welcome your input and feedback there.

    Yours sincerely,

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Bry Willis,

    Hello! I would like to inform you that my post entitled “We have Paleolithic Emotions; Medieval Institutions; and God-like Technology with Nuclear Holocaust” has been extended at the start, insofar as the first few paragraphs of the post are new. They are quite long though.

    I am currently running the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻 in my post metaphorically entitled “📈🌆 Growing Humanity with Artificial Intelligence: A Sociotechnological Petri Dish with Latent Threats, Existential Risks and Challenging Prospects 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦🤖🧫☣️“, published at

    📈🌆 Growing Humanity with Artificial Intelligence: A Sociotechnological Petri Dish with Latent Threats, Existential Risks and Challenging Prospects 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦🤖🧫☣️

    If you like composing poems, please feel free to participate in the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻. The detail on how to do so can be found in the post.

    Even if poetry is not your cup of tea, I am still keen to know your thoughts and feedback after your reading the post. Thank you in anticipation.

    Yours sincerely,


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